Our Lady of Fatima Council 5579
Luzon South Jurisdiction
District M-44
   Bacood, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines 1016
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Grand Knight for CY 2024-2025 : Bro. BENJAMIN F. CUSTODIO

Office Secretariat : Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Bacood, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines 1008

Telephone No. : +63

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Our Council meets every third SUNDAY of each month at the third floor of the Our Lady Of Fatima Parish Multipurpose Building, right after the 7:30 a.m. Fraternal mass.

A Brief History OF COUNCIL 5579

Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus on March 29, 1882 in New Haven, Connecticut, as a mutual benefit society of Catholic men to assist them financially in time of need and to enable them to remain steadfast in their faith through mutual encouragement. Little did he dream that the Order would become the world's biggest organization of Catholic men.

Today, the Order is known worldwide as a "Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization".

Gradually nurtured from its humble beginnings in St. Mary's church basement, the Order has more than 10,000 fraternal councils in 12 countries with a socially diversified membership of 1.6 million. The number of members keeps on increasing.

In the Philippines, the first to be established is Manila Council 1000. This came about in April 1905 with Catholic Americans and prominent Filipinos, behind it.

On November 4, 1964, Our Lady of Fatima (OLF) Council 5579 started its corporate life with 21 charter members, nine of whom were transferees from Manila Council 1000 and Council 4288 in Sampaloc. SK Faustino Reyes was the charter grand knight.

Through the years, 45 grand knights have demonstrated leadership qualities. Each one had his own carefully planned system of activities that enabled the Council to undertake worthwhile projects.

The service program of every grand knight provides every member definite opportunities to participate according to his interest. Some indulge in charitable and religious works, education, family welfare, civic and patriotic endeavors, community life, athletics and youth development.

In the span of its existence, OLF Council 5579 has earned several achievement awards, including the prestigious Star Council Award.

The annals of the Council attest to the achievements of its past grand knights (PGKs). Some have become district state officers, district deputies, district wardens, faithful navigators of 4th or patriotic degree assemblies. One has had the honor of being accredited to the PCP II, which he attended along with another member, although they represented another religious organization.

The present Council officers are bent on keeping alive the ideals and vision of Father McGivney.

NOTE : This article was written by SK MARIANO T. ESCOBER+, Past Grand Knight - CY 1978-1979 and taken from the Council's 32nd Anniversary Membership Directory, and updated by SK JOSEPH TEODORO, Past Grand Knight - CY 1984 - 1985.. 

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